22 Ekim 2017 Pazar

jlink komutu - Java 9 İle Gelen Java Platform Module System- JPMS İle Custom JRE Yaratır

Açıklaması şöyle
Along with modularity, Java 9 includes a tool called jlink. The main purpose of this tool is to assist us in creating custom JRE based on our needs. This tool offers a few options for fine-tuning JRE and the required modules, but it also offers the option of creating a generic JRE that includes all of the modules.
Açıklaması şöyle
For example, if an application does not use audio, image, or JavaBeans-related features, we can remove the java.desktop module entirely
The main philosophy is that instead of providing a generic JRE that meets everyone’s needs, everyone should be able to create their own JRE. Many JDK image providers follow the same philosophy by omitting JRE distributions.
Eğer bir jar için gereken modül isimlerini bilmiyorsak jdeps komutu ile bu bulunabilir

add-modules seçeneği
Açıklaması şöyle
--add-modules names the module(s) that you want your runtime image to contain - all of its (their) transitive dependencies are included
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani custom JRE yaratmıyor
if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATH then all observable modules found on the relevant module paths are added to the root set. 
Şöyle yaparız. Bu bir docker dosyası
# greetings.Dockerfile

FROM amazoncorretto:17-alpine as corretto-jdk

# required for strip-debug to work
RUN apk add --no-cache binutils

# Build small JRE image
RUN jlink \
         --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH \
         --strip-debug \
         --no-man-pages \
         --no-header-files \
         --compress=2 \
         --output /jre

FROM alpine:latest

COPY --from=corretto-jdk /jre $JAVA_HOME

COPY ./greetings/build/libs/greetings.jar /app/

CMD ["java", "-jar", "greetings.jar"]
Açıklaması şöyle
- In this case, we used Docker multi-staged builds.
- We use the same amazoncorretto:17-alpine Docker image as the base image in the first stage.
- Following that, we install binutils, which is required by the jlink tool. The jlink tool is then used to create a custom JRE. The most important part of this command is --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH, which adds all the modules to JRE. On the Oracle documentation page, you can learn more about all of the options.
- The alpine:latest image is used as the base image in the second stage.
- Then we copy the newly created custom JRE from the previous stage.
- Finally, we are running our application jar file.
Örnek - Modül Listesi
Şöyle yaparız
# Build small JRE image
RUN jlink \
  --verbose \
  --add-modules \
    java.base,java.compiler,java.desktop,java.instrument,java.management,java.naming, \
    java.prefs, java.rmi,java.scripting,java.security.jgss,java.sql,jdk.httpserver, \
    jdk.jfr,jdk.unsupported, jdk.crypto.ec,jdk.crypto.cryptoki \
  --strip-debug \
  --no-man-pages \
  --no-header-files \
  --compress=2 \
  --output /jre
Örnek - Tüm Modüller
Şöyle yaparız.
    --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:mods
    --add-modules your.app
    --launcher launch-app=your.app
    --output your-app-image
Örnek - jdeps
Şöyle yaparız
FROM maven:3-eclipse-temurin-17 as build
RUN mkdir /usr/src/project
COPY . /usr/src/project
WORKDIR /usr/src/project
RUN mvn package -DskipTests
RUN jar xf target/JavaCoffeeShop.jar
RUN jdeps --ignore-missing-deps -q  \
    --recursive  \
    --multi-release 17  \
    --print-module-deps  \
    --class-path 'BOOT-INF/lib/*'  \
    target/JavaCoffeeShop.jar > deps.info
RUN jlink \
    --add-modules $(cat deps.info) \
    --strip-debug \
    --compress 2 \
    --no-header-files \
    --no-man-pages \
    --output /myjre
FROM debian:bookworm-slim
ENV JAVA_HOME /user/java/jdk17
COPY --from=build /myjre $JAVA_HOME
RUN mkdir /project
COPY --from=build /usr/src/project/target/JavaCoffeeShop.jar /project/
WORKDIR /project
ENTRYPOINT java -jar JavaCoffeeShop.jar
Açıklaması şöyle
In the example above, I utilized a multistage Docker build. The initial building stage is based on an eclipse-temurin JDK 17 image containing Maven. This stage is used to:

- Create the Java artifact. Using Maven, I create the fat executable JAR file that contains the complete application.
- Unpack the JAR file to have all the dependencies. This is only needed if you don’t use the maven-dependency-plugin as described earlier. If you included it, you can skip this step
- Use jdeps to get the necessary modules. Point to the file containing all the dependency JAR files and the final artifact, and save the list in deps.info.
- Run JLink to create a custom Java Runtime. Using the deps.info as input and storing it in /myjre. We only add the modules needed to JLink and remove debug info, manual pages, and header files.

The second and final stage builds the production image based on a debian:stable-slim image.

- Set environment variables. Set the JAVA_HOME to the path I’ll copy myjre to, and add JAVA_HOME to the PATH.
- Copy the Java Runtime created by JLink. Reference the first stage and copy the custom Java Runtime to the location defined as JAVA_HOME.
- Copy the created Java artifact. The created fat executable Spring Boot JAR is copied to the dedicated project directory.
- Set Entrypoint
Açıklaması şöyle
--launcher is optional, but very handy; it creates an OS-specific launcher (e.g. a .bat on Windows) with the given name (launch-app) that launches the specified module (your.app; in this case assuming the main class is defined for it)
module-path seçeneği
Açıklaması şöyle
--module-path lists the folders that contain modules - this needs to include the platform modules shipped with the JDK you want to use (in $JAVA_HOME/jmods) and your application modules (mods)
Şöyle yaparız
$ jlink --module-path $JAVA_HOME/jmods:mlib --add-modules my.module --output myRunTime
Açıklaması şöyle
In the above command, my.module is your module, and myRuntime is the custom runtime image that JLink will create.
output seçeneği
Açıklaması şöyle
--output specifies where to create the runtime image

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